Download ASF Roll Number Slips 2022 New Jobs For Males & Females From Overall Pakistan Airports Security Force Has Announce New Multiple jobs for males females on different scales Pakistan Airports Security Force required well educated and talented candidates from overall across country. Candidates can read advertisement carefully and also read with her Eligibility Criteria means to say requirements is very important for every candidates because when candidate applicable on eligibility then He / She eligible for Pakistan Airports Security Force jobs today i am gonna show you complete details on his page including complete apply process facilities and others requirements so let’s see.
Download ASF Roll Number Slips 👉
Complete Physical Detail Video Click Here
Required Documents:
- Roll Number Slip
- Cnic
Physical Test Complete Details
- Males = Running 1.6km 7:30
- Females = Running 1.6km 10 Min
- Males = Height 5’6
- Females = Height 5’2
- Chest = 321/2/341/2
- Push Ups = 22 in 2 Min
- Sit Ups = 22 in 2 Min
- Weight = Minimum 48Kg & Maximum According to BMI
Post Contents
38 thoughts on “Download ASF Roll Number Slips 2022”
Mny apply kiya but slip ki br reocord found nhi ho rha…why?
Same issue
Same issu
Mara b record ni show ho rha
kia nai show ho rha
Sir ASF kaly ma ny bi apply kra tha ab nOt fOund Keh rahi
Mera sath bhi ASA ho Raha
Mein bhi check kar rahi to sorry no result found aa raha please reply?
Mera sath bhi ASA ho Raha ha
Sir m me bhi apply direcrt Kia tha
Lakan mat found lakh Raha hai
Medical aur physical pe click krta hoon to open nahi horaha
Asi corporal
Sir g Meri roll no slip show ni ho rhi
Sir Plz Rply dengy dirct apply kra tha ab fOund hi ni hu raha ,
Record not found likha araha hai
Yr solution btao
Mena be apply kia he but roll number not found show ho rha he any reason ??
Same suitation not found why
Corporal ND ASI I apllyed but result not found
Mairy b same aisy e ho rha kya wjah iski
Bahi not found q ahra hai jubke hum ny apply kia hai
sir mne bh online apply kia h but slip abhi tk download ni ho rhhe so plz kch bta dn
Mera sath bhi yahi ho rha h record not found likha a rha h
Mene apply Kya ha but record not found kyun a Raha ha .?
Please help
I think slips issue ni hui abhi tk
Record no found aa raha.
Men ny Apply bhi kiya tha.
Anyone tell me how to solve this problem.
I think these slips are for those candidates who applied in month January
i thnk u r right
AoA sir my ne bhi apply kiya 2 post pr ab record not found araha ye kiya problam hy..
Main y b apply Kya tha record not found aa raha hay kindly guide
Same issue
Mara be same issue ara hai
m ne ASE me online apply kia tha ab roll number slip k liye (sorry ! Record not found) show kr rha ha ???????????????????????
I think these slips are for those candidates who applied in month of January
same issue
Record not found show ho rha h direct apply Kia tha mene
Applay kese karain Bahi