FIA Latest Upcoming Jobs Federal Investigation Agency Jobs Online Apply Constable, ASI, LDC, UDC, SI & other FIA Announce New Jobs For Males and Females Fia Jobs Again FIA New Upcoming Jobs For Males & Females From Overall Pakistan Federal Investigation Agency Has to Announce New Multiple jobs for males and females on Different level FIA required well educated and talented candidates from overall across country. Punjab Police Jobs Continue to Click Here
Major Points | |
Post Name | Multiple |
Gender | Both |
Department | Federal Investigation Agency |
Educations | Primary, Middle, Matric, Intermediate, Bachelors, Masters |
Age Limit | 18 – 33 Years |
Apply Procedure | Only Online |
Domicile | All Over Pakistan |
Vacancies | Permanent |
Join WhatsApp Group | Click Here |
FIA Latest Upcoming Jobs:
candidates can read the advertisement carefully and also read their Eligibility Criteria means that requirements are very important for every candidate because when a candidate applicable eligibility then He / She is eligible for FIA Federal Investigation Agency jobs today I am gonna show you complete details on his page including complete apply process facilities and others requirements so let’s see.
Jos Positions:
- Assistant
- Sub Inspector
- Steno-typist
- Constable
- Staff Car Driver
- Chokidar
- Naib Qasid
- Sweeper
- Cock
FIA Assistant (Bs-15) Eligibility Criteria:
- Gender = Both
- Age Limit = 18-28 Years For Both Genders
- Education = 14 Years of Education With Grade C
- Posting = Anywhere in Pakistan
- Experience = Nil
- Physical Standard = Nil
- Job Type = Permanent
FIA Sub Inspector (Bs-14) Eligibility Criteria:
- Gender = Both
- Age Limit = 18-25 Years For Both Genders
- Height For Males = 5’6
- Chest For Males = 33 / 341/2
- Height For Females = 5’4
- Education = 14 Years With Grade c
- Posting = Anywhere in Pakistan
- Experience = Nil
- Job Type = Permanent
FIA Steno Typist (Bs-14) Eligibility Criteria:
- Gender = Both
- Age Limit = 18-25 Years For Both Genders
- Education = Intermediate only in Any discipline
- Posting = Anywhere in Pakistan
- Experience = Short Hand + Typing
- Physical Standard = Nil
- Job Type = Permanent
FIA UDC (Bs-11) Eligibility Criteria:
- Gender = Both
- Age Limit = 18-25 Years For Both Genders
- Education = Intermediate only in Any discipline
- Posting = Anywhere in Pakistan
- Experience = Nil
- Physical Standard = Nil
- Job Type = Permanent
FIA A.S.I. (Bs-09) Eligibility Criteria:
- Gender = Both
- Age Limit = 18-25 Years For Both Genders
- Height For Males = 5’6
- Chest For Males = 33 / 341/2
- Height For Females = 5’4
- Education = 14 Years With Grade c
- Posting = Anywhere in Pakistan
- Experience = Nil
- Job Type = Permanent
FIA Constable (Bs-05) Eligibility Criteria:
- Gender = Both
- Age Limit = 18-25 Years For Both Genders
- Height For Males = 5’6
- Chest For Males = 33 / 341/2
- Height For Females = 5’4
- Education = Matric in Any discipline with 50% Marks
- Posting = Anywhere in Pakistan
- Experience = Nil
- Job Type = Permanent
FIA LDC (Bs-09) Eligibility Criteria:
- Gender = Both
- Age Limit = 18-25 Years For Both Genders
- Education = Matric
- Posting = Anywhere in Pakistan
- Experience = 30 W.P.M.
- Physical Standard = Nil
- Job Type = Permanent
FIA Naib Qasid Eligibility Criteria:
- Gender = Males
- Age Limit = 18-25 Years
- Education = Primary
- Posting = Anywhere in Pakistan
- Experience = Nil
- Physical Standard = Nil
- Job Type = Permanent
How to Apply:
- Read the Complete Criteria on the Advertisement & also With the Application Form.
- All students can visit this website Or Click Here for online submission of applications.
- Online applications Will Start in June 2024.
Post Contents
22 thoughts on “FIA Latest Upcoming Jobs Federal Investigation Agency Jobs”
main Qasib
ABI time ha last date mia
As me steno Likha howa hi nh howa
I interested job
Apply in FIA UDC
Aply kab hoga
Apply kb shuru ho ga
FIA steno typist
bhai ma na apply kerna ha kon si website ha
FIA steno typist (BS 14)
FIA steno typist
I’m interested in sub inspector qualification is BS Cyber security..please tell me apply date
From which website, I can apply?
How can we apply for this ?
Yes, I want to apply for this, please tell me how to apply.
Yeh FIA ma jobs 1st June ko Confirm Ah Jai gi yeh nhi
When did the applicant submit their forms
How to apply?
I am so excited to join FIA department
I do not have any more patient
I am So Excited to Join Fia Department Great Opportunity For Youth I Still Waiting For The open Link For Apply The Jobs